Gold-standard, nonpartisan surveys take institute for decades that more U.S. adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Political party than the Republican Party. Above, a height of Democratic presidential hopefuls in Philadelphia on Sept. 17. (Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Newcomers to polling sometimes assume that if y'all are request Americans questions about politics, information technology's just fair to include an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. While this notion makes some sense on the surface, it's based on a misunderstanding of what polling is intended to do. The goal of a national political survey isn't to artificially even the playing field. Information technology'south to stand for groups in their actual proportions within the country. And a broad range of prove shows that there are more than Democrats than Republicans in the Us today.

Benchmark surveys show more Americans identify as Democrats than RepublicansAureate-standard, nonpartisan surveys accept found for decades that more U.S. adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than the Republican Party – whether these surveys accept place under GOP or Autonomous presidential administrations. That is the finding of two of the highest-quality surveys that use nationally representative data nerveless through in-person interviews: the General Social Survey and the American National Election Studies. Information technology'south also the outcome obtained past numerous other reputable surveys that poll Americans by telephone or online using randomly selected samples of adults, including those washed by us hither at Pew Research Heart, also as those washed by Gallup, Fox News, Kaiser Family Foundation and The Associated Press-NORC. (The Census Agency, which runs the nation'south near authoritative surveys, notably does not ask Americans almost their partisan affiliation.)

The goal of a national political survey isn't to artificially even the playing field. It's to represent groups in their actual proportions inside the land.

But polls aren't the only source of evidence on this question.

In the 31 states that register voters by political party, the number of Americans registered as Democrats outnumbered those registered as Republicans by nearly 12 million in mid-2018. Registration with a party is an imperfect mensurate of whether a person currently identifies with that political party, specially in the South. But nationwide comparisons detect that registration is closely associated with self-identification, and the two appear to exist growing more than correlated over fourth dimension.

In addition, commercial voter files – which attempt to predict the partisanship of voters in all l states and the Commune of Columbia based on information such as address, race, age and primary vote history – indicate that there are more Autonomous registered voters than Republican registered voters in the state today.

Determining the right ratio

Of grade, the of import question for pollsters who want to accurately reflect the partisan composition of the country is non "Are at that place more than Democrats than Republicans?" just rather "What is the correct ratio of Democrats to Republicans?" The answer to this question depends, in office, on whether we are talking virtually the general public, the smaller subset who are registered to vote, or the even smaller group of people who are likely to vote in a given ballot ("likely voters"). Evidence suggests that the Democratic advantage is somewhat narrower among registered voters than the full general public – and often even narrower among likely or actual voters.

Amidst the full general public, recent Pew Inquiry Center phone surveys find that Democrats and Autonomous-leaning independents outnumber Republicans and Republican leaners by about 7 percent points, similar to what the 2018 General Social Survey found. This Autonomous-Republican remainder is i of the factors we use to weight Pew Enquiry Center's American Trends Panel (along with a core prepare of demographics including sexual practice, race, historic period, region and other characteristics measured in loftier-quality government surveys). All of our survey reporting is based on weighted information, rather than raw information that has not been adjusted to encounter these parameters.

In that location is no single "correct" ratio of Democrats to Republicans for all U.S. public stance polls.

Amidst registered voters, the Autonomous advantage in party affiliation is typically almost 3 percentage points smaller than it is among the general public in our surveys. The reasons for this are well understood: Compared with the general public, registered voters tend to exist older, wealthier and more likely to be non-Hispanic whites and homeowners, all of which are characteristics associated with a higher probability of being a Republican.

Among likely voters – those registered voters accounted to have the greatest propensity to turn out in an election – or actual voters in contempo elections, the share of Republicans is usually, but non always, higher than it is among registered voters, largely for the same reasons that registered voters are more than likely to exist Republican than those who are not registered. (Beyond the characteristics of the private, a person's likelihood of voting is determined by a diverseness of factors including the specific candidates and circumstances in a given ballot.)

All of this is to say that there is no single "correct" ratio of Democrats to Republicans for all U.Due south. public opinion polls. And because the fortunes of the parties and their leaders ebb and menstruum over time, the ratio has tended to vary modestly over the years (albeit with Democrats representing a higher proportion than Republicans most of the time in the by couple of decades). Party amalgamation is not a demographic characteristic like gender or race, which means people can change their amalgamation based on what is going on in politics or because of other factors.

That said, party affiliation is a very stable mental attitude. This is also 1 of the reasons that different polls more often than not get similar – but non identical – estimates for political party affiliation. Other reasons poll estimates might differ include sampling error, dissimilar weighting practices, variations in question diction and context, and differences in survey fashion (that is, whether questions are asked by phone, online or by other ways).

Why ballot results might differ from the Democratic-Republican ratio in the general public

Plain, just because more Americans identify as Democrats than Republicans doesn't mean that Democrats always win the presidency (or control of Congress). There are many reasons that this is the case, including the fact that a sizable share of the public does not vote. Previous enquiry has plant that nonvoters are much more than Autonomous than are regular voters. Democrats besides are somewhat more amassed geographically than Republicans, a gene that sometimes dilutes their electoral force.

Candidates and campaigns, meanwhile, carry their own unique features that influence how or whether people vote. In 2010, for instance, Republicans voted at higher rates than Democrats in the midterm election and won control of the Business firm of Representatives, despite the Democrats holding a three-indicate party amalgamation advantage in Pew Research Eye polls of registered voters that year. In contrast, Democratic engagement (and turnout) in 2018 was substantially higher than it had been in 2014, leading to a strong Democratic performance in the 2018 congressional elections and the Democrats winning command of the House.

So what does all this mean for consumers of political polling? In general, poll watchers today should expect to see more Democrats than Republicans in a national survey, specially i designed to reflect the views of U.Due south. adults (as opposed to registered or "likely" voters). These partisan breakdowns don't necessarily favor one side or the other; rather, they reflect the population in question as accurately as possible.

Correction (Nov. 20, 2019): A previous version of this mail and its accompanying graphic misstated the name of the American National Election Studies.

Scott Keeter is a senior survey advisor at Pew Research Center.